Day 21 21. May 2000, Samarkand to Tashkent The road from Samarkand to Tashkent was a nicely built highway, but we took a little detour through the mountains between Qizil Tut and Yangi Kishlok. Unfortunately the weather was bad and rainy, but the road had been recently repaired on the worst parts which was a pleasant surprise. We raced rather quickly through the hundreds of pot holes, but we still lost 4 minutes total in this 59 minute section. A lot of cars took heavy damage today. Broken axles, smashed oil sinks, crushed check absorbers, ... an seemingly endless list of repairs that cars had to do. We arrive in Tashkent quite early at 3 PM and take a very close look at the car to make sure that we don't overlook any possible damage, since the most difficult parts of the journey in central Asia are still ahead.
Overall 41 minutes penalty The official results can be looked up on this website